A clean one

A clean one

Posted: 4 July 2008

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Germany license.


Getting a half-way decent picture of a TALENT of the Euregiobahn is oddly difficult. A few of them are marked with Graffiti, it’s not often good weather around here, and mostly, those things are extremely shiny, so there’s always some sort of glare. This picture worked out better than most, I think, but I still want to get something better.

643 226/726 (the 7.. is just the second of the two parts) is heading out of Aachen main station without passengers and with a blank destination sign. No idea what it was supposed to do. Possibly another unit got stuck and now has to be towed, I don’t know.

What you probably don’t see here very well is that 226/726 got farther along the road to being a streetcar than most others of it’s kind, with additional blinkers and markings that look as if someone had installed rear view mirrors once and then removed them again. If you’re interested I can post some detail shots.


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