Blue and Orange

Blue and Orange


Taking pictures of the Schwebebahn between stations can be difficult, as the pillars that the systems requires are often in the way. Their distance is less than the length of a train, but they can be annoying nevertheless.

However, there are a couple of cases where the Schwebebahn has to cross a major road, and in those places it hangs on a true bridge construction, giving a completely unobstructed view.

This EMU is one of the few currently in the original orange-blue that they had on delivery. It’s still the default paint scheme, but most others have some sort of advertisement. They were delivered in 1972 and are the first trains that you can actually walk through. Before that, trains consisted of two separate cars coupled together. I’m not aware of any imminent plans for their replacement, but if they are gone in ten years I won’t pretend to be surprised either.


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